Dream with me for a moment...
If you could board an airplane and enjoy a trip to Paradise, where would you want to go? Who would you bring along with you to capture every relaxing moment? Can you visualize yourself on an all-expenses paid trip to a Resort with SPA treatments included? In just a few HOURS, we will find out where the next Spa Destination Trip will be!
Enjoy my photos below of our trip to Paradise in June:
My favorite portion of this trip was the SPA and there was a Hydrotherapy Circuit and this was the most relaxing experience I have ever enjoyed in a SPA. The spa itself was gorgeous and was indoor and outdoor and it felt as though you entered another realm where time stood still.
Above is the hydro-therapy pool and you stand in the middle and enjoy pulsating water on your shoulders and cascading water over the top of your head. Did I share that this was Paradise?
This beautiful pathway was part of the indoor/outdoor walk to our massage therapy rooms. There were live turtles that liked to sit on the stones and usually two or three of them were together or even stacked on top of one another.
After our massage treatments, it was great to enjoy a chance to relax and talk.
How do you say "thank you" for a trip of a life-time? I'm so grateful to our owners, Heidi and Bryan, for providing such amazing Incentive Trips. Pictured here: I am on the far left, then Heidi, our owner, then my friend and Sr. Director, Jeni Cassidy and my friend and huge supporter, Jennifer Dusza, Consultant Relations Manager. We are as one should be at the SPA: without make-up and we have that look of BLISS following our massage therapy treatments.
Cascading Shower Treatment
This river rock area also had cool jets that hit you at your ankle area as you walked through this circuit three times. It felt great on my feet.
This Watermelon Water was yummy at the SPA
Here I am taking a moment to relax and .......just sit. What an amazing thing to do. No chores, no requests, no house to clean, no to-do list and just the idea of sitting in pure bliss!
Our Resort Room was larger than our apartment in New York City. We were treated to absolute luxury and even had a jacuzzi tub outside on the patio and a full dining room table in the living room area. This was complete luxury and all room service was included.
I took my hubby, Terry, with me on this trip and his vacation was also all-expenses paid. We enjoyed our time together immensely and the only decision to make each day was where to go to relax and what we wanted to eat. It was tough to return....
Here is another view of the Yhi Spa
Here is Terry's turn to relax and "do nothing".
Hydrotherapy Pool at the Yhi Spa
This Spa was so beautiful
Here I am taking in the JOY of vacation.
Pulling on this bucket full of COLD water was part of the Hydrotherapy Circuit. We rotated between a hot sauna or hot water and cold water. The switch between hot and cold occurred about thirteen times in the full hydrotherapy circuit. At times, it was abrupt, but the entire experience as a whole was incredibly relaxing.
Here is a great photo of three of the husbands enjoying the Hydrotherapy Spa Treatment.
This was labeled the Vitality Pool, and the temperature was absolutely freezing. I'm not gonna lie, it hurt to immerse yourself in this water, but it was Invigorating.
Here I am fully submersed in the Vitality Pool.
Thanks for enjoying a little snippet of my SPA trip experience with me.
If you are intrigued and want to find out:
*How you can earn an all-expenses paid SPA trip
*Where the trip will be in 2016
Reach out to me at LemongrassJill@Gmail.com
Comment and let me know: Where would you want to go? Share: Tell me if you want to hear where the trip will be for the Summer of 2016. Do you want to partner with me on this goal and host a Luxurious Spa Party to spoil your friends? (if so, please message me) I'm so grateful to ALL of my hostesses and customers who helped me earn this glorious trip to the Dominican Republic this summer. You are so appreciated.
Copyright 2015: all rights reserved. If you copy and share this post, you must include all information posted here through the full disclaimer (below).
Thank you for "liking" my business page to stay in touch: www.Facebook.com/LemongrassJill
Enjoy perusing my online catalog of healthy head to toe necessities here if you want to learn more about our line: www.OurLemongrassSpa.com/Jill
Disclaimer: this blog post is not to be interpreted or used as medical advice or expertise. I am highlighting or sharing my personal experience in this blog so please know that individual results may vary or differ.
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