One of the things I share in my talk or presentation for women about making ONE healthy change at a time, is how crucial it is to switch to Organic Cotton pads and tampons immediately. I highly recommend that you throw out the conventional ones today. It truly is not worth using the conventional products (full of pesticides and other chemicals) for one more day.
Why Does this Matter?
Cotton is the #1 most sprayed crop and we use more pesticides on cotton than any other crop so we don't want to use cotton that is full of pesticides with our feminine products. I cannot even count how many women have reached out to me after my presentation at their networking group or Mom's group to share that they are no longer experiencing intense cramping, a feeling of nausea or even migraines during their cycle. The change they made was to ditch the chemically-laden feminine products and switch to organic cotton. Now...for some individuals...these symptoms subside as opposed to going completely away, but isn't that worth it as well?
** Let me know if you already knew this information OR if this is news to you by commenting below. Even if you don't use feminine products anymore, please consider sharing this with a woman or teenager in your life that could benefit from this information. **
I often get asked where organic feminine products may be purchased and here is the answer:
* Your local health food store
* Online stores, especially those that are health-minded and offer products that are organic.
The brand that I personally use is NatraCare, but there are other wonderful companies as well.
I would appreciate hearing your comments about whether this information made a difference for you.
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Disclaimer: this blog post is not to be interpreted or used as medical advice or expertise. I am not a medical expert and I am highlighting or sharing my personal experience in this blog so please know that individual results may vary or differ. If you have a medical condition, please talk to your doctor.
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