
Thursday, February 11, 2021

Trying something NEW

Encouraging thoughts for anyone trying something new in your business or life this month: It helps to have a guide and follow along with someone who has walked the path at least once. Case in point: I purchased this lettering book and although there are lots of instructions, I wasn’t able to look at those and then replicate the letters on a blank page and get a satisfying result. The instructions were plentiful, but I was a novice and moving from reading what to do to a blank page was a bit daunting. It created a disappointing result when I tried this myself. So....I purchased some tracing paper and I’ll use this technique until I have enough practice!
The same is true in our business! When we try something for the first time, there is value in following along and tracing over the steps that are working well for someone else instead of hitting frustration.
What are you trying in your business this month that is new for you or that you have not perfected? Could you benefit from walking alongside and learning from what someone else has figured out about that already?
Copyright 2021: all rights reserved. If you copy and share this post, you must include all information posted here through the full disclaimer (below). Thank you for "liking" my business page to stay in touch: Enjoy perusing my online catalog of healthy head to toe necessities here if you want to learn more about our line: Disclaimer: this blog post is not to be interpreted or used as medical advice or expertise. I am not a medical expert and I am highlighting or sharing my personal experience in this blog so please know that individual results may vary or differ. If you have a medical condition, please talk to your doctor. Disclaimer: This blog post and my blog (as a whole) does not make any financial guarantees or promises.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Sunday Reflection

Sunday moment:
Are you walking in your passion and do you adore your work, or do you dread Mondays? Are you living life 'full out' or playing it small?

Don't you love to ponder: "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?"
and my question for you today is:

Knowing all of the talents and inherent gifts that you have, are you currently contributing in the most impactful and profound way OR do you know that you have more to offer and give to others? How would it feel to be able to live your most abundant life?

One thing I know for sure about direct sales is that it is a profound self-growth journey and even though I was a teacher (where I contributed directly to my student's lives) and a Human Resources Director, where I worked with 1,400 employees, this is the work that I am meant to do. Absolutely, I offer natural and organic head-to-toe products that swap all the toxic ingredients out of people's routines and make a difference, but what makes my heart sing is being able to ENCOURAGE and impact other's lives by helping them reach their level of success.

Here is the thing: no one begins knowing how to do everything (I had never been in sales) and so the goal is to learn more each day and keep improving...a little bit at a time. What I love about our team is that we share the best strategies and ideas with one another and no one walks alone.

What would it mean for you if you had work that you adored and someone to walk alongside you and encourage you and recognize your efforts? What if you could finally take those items off your 'dream list' or vision board and enjoy them in your current life? If you have been putting your life on lay-away ....."I'll enjoy it when......", then let's talk.

We have an amazing opportunity in February so let me know if you want a few more details or have any questions for me. Now....more than one walks alone and I would be honored to walk alongside you.
Copyright 2021: all rights reserved. If you copy and share this post, you must include all information posted here through the full disclaimer (below). Thank you for "liking" my business page to stay in touch: Enjoy perusing my online catalog of healthy head to toe necessities here if you want to learn more about our line: Disclaimer: this blog post is not to be interpreted or used as medical advice or expertise. I am not a medical expert and I am highlighting or sharing my personal experience in this blog so please know that individual results may vary or differ. If you have a medical condition, please talk to your doctor. Disclaimer: This blog post and my blog (as a whole) does not make any financial guarantees or promises.