Don't delay: this offer will end on Friday, 2.27.15 at 9:00 pm Mountain Time
I truly appreciate you! In order to receive your Gift with Purchase, simply decide what you need (order whatever your family needs) and be sure to purchase on the:
"Triple Treat" link at and
click Shop Online and
"Triple Treat Online Event" by Friday, February 27th at 9:00 pm MT. Thank you.
(Please note that if you do not purchase under the Triple Treat shopping link, I will not be able to add the gift to your order). I appreciate you!
Here are the GIFTS from me:
With a 44.00 to 58.00 retail order, I will give you a Sample of our wonderful Organic Lipstick. With a 59.00 to 67.00 retail order, I will give you a two ounce Body Spritz in one of three scents.
With a 68.00 to 81.00 retail order, I will give you our Limited Edition Chocolate Set which includes a one ounce chocolate body icing and chocolate raspberry lip balm.
With an 82.00 retail (or greater) order, I will give you either a Red Hot Organic Lip Gloss OR a Stardust Organic Lip Gloss (your choice of one).
To receive one of these gifts with your purchase, simply enter your order on the "Triple Treat" link under "shop online" over at
If you have any questions, you may reach me at
Thank you!
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- Disclaimer: this blog post is not to be interpreted as medical advice and is highlighting my experience so please know that individual results may vary or differ.