
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Healing Elements Testimonial

Our Healing Elements Balm was originally created for diaper rash, as a newborn's skin is extremely thin and a bad rash needs lots of care. As time has proven, our Healing Elements Balm has been helpful for the most vulnerable skin and some difficult skin conditions.

What we did not know when that incredible balm was introduced is just how helpful it would also be for patients undergoing radiation and chemo, how helpful it has been for some individuals with psoriasis and eczema as well as helping with this long list:  aging thin skin, mosquito bites, burns, rashes, bug bites, road rash, sunburns, pimples, and diminishing dark circles under eyes.

The testimonial below is visually powerful and a little painful to view because we can almost "feel" the pain that my friend was experiencing after receiving a topical chemo for her lips. Meg had pre-cancerous cells on her lips and her doctor stated that topical chemo was necessary and that she would be in excruciating pain for almost three weeks. Exruciating was true, but she was not prepared for the intensity of the pain and how the cremes that she was given were of little or no help. Desperate, Meg began to search the internet for salves that might give her relief and paid rush shipping fees for tattoo numbing cremes that numbed the pain for less than ten minutes. She was desperate for something that would help. It was at that time that Meg remembered she had purchased our Healing Elements Balm for her daughter and it was tucked away in the diaper bag. Meg called me a half hour after putting on the Healing Elements on her lips and said that it helped lift the pain after only a few minutes. She was so relieved and asked to talk to our owner and founder to thank her personally.

Meg shared these photos with me and said that she would not believe the amount of healing that took place after only seven hours if it had not been her own experience.  I am still amazed at these photos and am so grateful that she did not have to suffer with that level of pain for three weeks!

I am grateful to offer products that smell delicious, feel luxuriously soft on our skin, are full of healthy ingredients and can also be a tremendous help for some during chemo or radiation.  Amazing!

Our Healing Elements Balm is offered in three sizes:
.75 ounce tube (great for travel, to have in a purse or in a desk drawer)
two ounce jar
six ounce family size
(All sizes contain the same formulation so the only difference is the sizes that are offered.)

Healing Elements Balm (a wonderful multi-use product)

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Enjoy peeking at my online catalog of healthy head to toe necessities here:

  • Disclaimer:  this blog post is not to be interpreted as medical advice and is highlighting one friend's experience so please know that individual results may vary or differ. 

A Lesson from NYC

Years ago, when I worked in NYC, I returned to work after a leave of absence due to an appendectomy.  One of the General Managers that I worked with was asking me about my trip to the hospital and I explained that it was grueling to wait in a NYC hospital for over 14 hours before the decision was made for surgery. I waited in the waiting room over six hours and it was tough to sit in those chairs in pain. I have a high threshold for pain, but it definitely was a tough wait. It is hard to argue with the situation when people are pushed ahead of you for life or death situations. The emergency room "line" is much different than a line at a local deli, to be sure.

In a strong New York accent, my General Manager proceeded to tell me that I had everything wrong when it came to waiting in the ER. He said, If you ever have to visit an ER room in New York City again, you need to let them know you need help immediately. Amazingly, he told me that when he had a heart attack in New Jersey (said with a thick accent :)  that he refused to let his wife drive him to the hospital. He personally drove himself through the tunnel (with his wife in the passenger seat) to his preferred NYC hospital, parked the car calmly, walked across the parking lot, entered through the sliding glass doors in the Emergency Room wing and then dropped to the floor, grabbing his heart. He told me, "that is the way you push through the line in the ER in New York City".

Duly noted--

Every time I tell that story, I laugh right along with those I am telling the story to, and it is a true story. I also share, "Keep that in mind if you are ever in need of help in a hospital."  ;)